2017语文二卷作文范文 2017语文二卷作文范文大全
Why do we need 5G?
Mobile communication has profoundly changed people's life, but people's pursuit for higher performance of mobile communication has never stopped.
In order to cope with the future of mobile data traffic explosive growth, the connection of massive device, the continuous emergence of various new services and ***lications scene, the fifth generation mobile communication (5G) system will emerge as times require.
1. 8位数字密码:12345678
2. 6位字母密码:abcdef
3. 10位数字和字母混合密码:a1b2c3d4e5
4. 12位数字、字母和特殊字符混合密码:@#a1b2c3d4e5%
5. 8位随机生成密码:GhJkLp12
6. 14位数字、字母和符号混合密码:!Q2w3e4r5t6y7u8
7. 16位随机生成密码:VgBnHyTfRdEwSqA1
8. 10位数字和符号混合密码:$%123456789
9. 6位字母和数字混合密码:a1b2c3
10. 15位数字和符号混合密码:&^%$#@!1234567